Pineapple Tarts
I usually associate pineapple tarts with Chinese New Year and during such celebration, we have the opportunity to sample various types of pineapple tarts each household offers. Families will start baking and the whiff of pineapple from oven will just permeate the air during this period in the runup just before New Year. The home-made tarts will be given as gifts to friends or relatives or simply for the home spread of delicacies to be offered to guests.
Well, Chinese New Year is still about 4 months away and I am having a taste of it earlier, thanks for the gift of rich, delicious, golden gleaming nuggets of Pineapple Tarts, heavy to the weight cos it's packed with pineapple jam fillings to the fullness. The top layer of the tart, which is brushed with egg yolk which makes it so smooth and shiny just peels off when you take a bite of it. Ymm Yummy Ymm...
This is delightful when accompanied with a cup of coffee during a quiet afternoon with a dull mind not wanting to do anything else but just nibbling the scrumptious tart made so perfect (tho a bit sweet) for one to simply enjoy and rejoice relishing it . How perfect.
Thanks for the Pineapple Tarts...
This is delightful when accompanied with a cup of coffee during a quiet afternoon with a dull mind not wanting to do anything else but just nibbling the scrumptious tart made so perfect (tho a bit sweet) for one to simply enjoy and rejoice relishing it . How perfect.
Thanks for the Pineapple Tarts...
Thanks for the Pineapple Tarts...
Thanks for the Pineapple Tarts...
I enjoyed pineapple tarts especially when the filling is moist and not so sweet and the pastry texture coming from the right dough mix which makes the difference. Commercially made pineapple tarts do not come cheap and each bite may cost about 50cents or more depending on the popularity and demand and brand. But what is 50cents when yummilicous macarons baked by famed patisiers are in for about $2.30 (at Canele Patisserie Chocolaterie) and $1.50 (at Bakerzin) which are about the same size as a round pineapple tart.
Well it may not be too difficult to bake but baking is not my forte and I would prefer to buy instead. But perhaps it is more than baking, you would need to buy a medium sized pineapple, not sour and not too ripe either, then comes the tiring job of grating the pineapple and cooking it with sugar to prepare the filling and for these, you would need time and patience and impatient ... will not be the right adjective to adopt for any food preparation. Of course nowadays, anything commercially viable, you will find it on the shelf and they are sold in packets, ready cooked. You may find the pineapple jam a bit dry when you purchased it and perhaps it's a good idea to re-cook it well for a more moist and less sweet jam before filling the dough.
Hehe, are those CNY red packets I spy on the table? Wah, these and the precious pineapple tarts sure ring in the festive mood earl! :D
I suddenly feel like eating pineapple tarts!
KennyMah ~ U spot on; short of F&N orange or sarsi drink...kekeke.
KMan ~ move on, Christmas pudding comes first before CNY.
hahaha i did not know that pineapple tart is meant for chinese new year occasion :) . I love eating pineaple tart so much that i have to have it in my room at anytime when i was in Indonesia.
Martin, sure or not Chinese New Year every day in your room..muahaha
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